I supposed I have started something that is going to be annual.
It first happened in 2012. Then again in 2013.
So, without further adieu, I am pleased to announce my 2014 trip to Haiti!
I have already asked the field leaders and school principal and been approved.
And I already asked my missionary host, Kate, who was THRILLED!
So, I will be going back for the month of January (that's right suckers) to teach at the school. Kate will be teaching 2nd and 3rd grade, so the class will consist of most of the students I had the first time I went in 2012.
I'm not sure what my role at the school will be this time, since I won't be going as a student from Mercyhurst, but as my own person. So my role could be anything from librarian, substitute teacher, tutor, paper grader, referee, high school boy hug deflector, supply fetcher... ANYTHING. I am totally up for it.
After talking with Kate, I will potentially fly out January 2nd or 3rd with her. Then flying back at the end of the month before the Spring Semester starts.
Financially, I will be again looking for some assistance. I have yet to determine how much this trip will cost, but I am estimating it to be in the $1,000 to $1,500 range. I will be selling scarves again to raise money, so if you have any requests please let me know.
Keep this trip in your prayers, even though it is so far in advance, because we all know how quickly God's plans can change. Also keep the financial aspect in your prayers because I have enough money saved for my last year of school and that's it.
I appreciate all of you for your continued support over these past years that has made yet another trip possible!